31st March 2023 Hello Reader, it’s the second to last portrait! This one of Lancelot started as just me messing about doodling, so that’s why the video starts with some random knight drawing! Day 30: Sir Lancelot Lancelot was an orphan raised by the fae Lady of the Lake, destined to achieve great things. Through unrivalled skill in combat, he became the personal champion of Arthur's wife, Queen Guinevere; and soon after, her secret lover. Once Guinevere’s infidelity was revealed to Arthur he...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
30th March 2023 It’s the home stretch! Just what I’d call ’the big 3‘ characters remain, and here’s one of them: the legendary Merlin! Somehow my sketch accidently ended up looking just like Gandalf; I didn‘t plan to, and didn’t use a reference, I swear to God! Day 29: Merlin Merlin was the spawn of an infernal union; the son of a demon and human woman, immediately baptised at birth and freed from Satan’s clutches and delivered into service of God. He was imbued with great supernatural...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
28th March 2023 Hello Reader, surpise! It’s me again! We are coming close the end of the daily challenge, and that means tackling some of the more important characters. Percival isn’t quite as important as the most central characters, but he’s a protagonist of a few of his own stories and fairly well known in his own right. Day 27: Sir Percival the Innocent Percival was raised by his mother in the forest, ignorant of the ways of kings and men, and born with a pure and noble heart. When...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
27th March 2023 Another awesome character today! This guy is right up my alley, but I had a hard time figuring out which way to take him. I think because he’s known as ‘The Black Knight’ it was difficult to create an interesting design for him, as I couldn’t make anything about him more interesting than the fact his armour is black. Perhaps I went too far with the final design, as this guy would probably get nicknamed ‘The Black Wolf’ if you saw him, but hey, I like the way he ended up, so...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
26th March 2023 Hey Reader, another female character today. There was a certain mysterious energy I was hoping to capture with this portrait, that I just couldnt get down. Instead, I decided to simplify it, finish the portrait off, and hopefully I’ll have another go at it and nail the feeling I was after. Day 25: The Lady of the Lake The Lady of the Lake hailed from an otherworldly realm, it’s entrance masked with an illusion of a lake. There she raised the orphan Sir Lancelot, as well as...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
25th March 2023 Today we have an important boy - a very important boy. This sketch came together very quickly; it was just finishing off his face that was causing trouble, so I painted it over and ended up with something pretty strong. I may go back in and try to make him look slightly younger, but that can be a task for another day. Day 24: Sir Galahad, Knight of the Grail Galahad was the knight that his father, Lancelot, was meant to be; the most perfect of knights, gallant and pure; chosen...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
24th March 2023 Hello Reader, today’s character is sort of a villain, but also sort of not. I intended this sketch to be for the Black Knight, brother to the Faerie Knight, but it just refused to look right. So I made him into a different red and spiky character, and liked it much better! Day 23: Esclados, Lord of the Storm-Fountain The otherworldly protector of Broceliande forest, Esclados was accidentally summoned by Sir Calogrenant when he stumbled upon a fountain in a hidden glade. He...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
March 2023 Hello Reader, another interesting fellow today - he’s essentially a half-elf of arthurian origins, and having been obsessed with elves since discovering Warhammer, I couldn’t resist painting him. Day 22: The Faerie Knight The Faerie Knight was a bastard son of Tom a'Lincoln, known as the Red Rose Knight, and Caelia, the Faerie Queen. Tom was in turn a bastard of King Arthur’s, from his affair with a woman named Angelica. Thus, the Faerie knight was not just half-human and half-fae,...
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read
22nd March 2023 Continuing with the theme of villains, we have a minor one today, though I still think he’s a pretty cool character: Day 21: Escanor the Large Escanor the Large was the son of a giant and a witch, born on the same day as the renowned Sir Gawaine. He also shared Gawaine’s power, his strength rising with the sun, and diminishing as the sun falls. They were both fated to be adversaries, and after their first duel Escanor loathed Gawaine and sought every opportunity to undo him....
almost 2 years ago • 1 min read